

English translation lyrics of "Inochi ni kirawarete iru-Life hates us now"

※This lyrics I translate is not official. It may include my misunderstand, but I'm sure and hope it expresses our real feelings beyond meaning on the surface.




Inochi ni kirawarete iru | Life hates us now


Created by Kanzaki Iori




"Must not say I wanna die" "Must live without giving up"

It's too strange for us such songs are right

Actually, we don't have any regrets for our life, but we're sad when somebodies surround us dies

We don't want you to die, so such fine-sounding talk is just our ego


We don't care about someone's lives at all, and to dislike somebody is just one of fashion, but  still "Must live peacefully"
How wonderful is it?

Someone always died beyond the screen, another sung it sadfully, and an impressed boy ran with a knife


Life hates us now

We always infect you our values and ego, and shared too easily our desire songs for killing someone on the internet

Life hates us now

'Cause so that we say "I wanna die" frankly, and misjudge importance of lives too

Life hates us now


I have no money, goal, and passion today, so gonna do nothing as yesterday

We can't feel the reason we live still today, so we waste someone's efforts and lives to waste today

Our void in own heart must be deeper and deeper than just one sentence "I'm lonely" expresses

I couldn't help but believe that still today, so I sleep lonely in my bed tonight


We were tiny children in our past, but it means we become adult absolutely someday

We'll get old slowly but surely, and die someday like one of fallen leaves known by nobody

If we had eternal body, we could live without fear of death forever

We always fantasize such science fiction to escape


We're able to die easily right away, but we don't want everyone to die

We mustn't keep living with such contradiction

"Be right if you are human" "Must live if you don't want to die"

If you can't accept it, rant alone forever


Life hates us now

We can't understand even what "happiness" means, but just hate only own environment, and easily curse only own pasts

Life hates us now

'Cause we like only "Goodbye" too much, we don't know real "death" at all

Life hates us now


Happiness, farewell, love, and friendship
These are just a part of our life, and can be easily obtained even by money

I may die tomorrow, everything may be disappear

During the morning, night, spring, and autumn, someone absolutely die somewhere without any exceptions

So I don't want any dreams, I don't want even own tomorrow

I just want you to live

Actually, I just wanted to sing such thing


Life hates us now

Finally, anyone die someday

Even us, or even you, all disappear someday

But we'll live, we have to live

We must live no matter what happens

Sometimes suppress ourselves, struggle, laugh, take it all, live, live, live, and live

just live!






I hope as many people as possible can sympathize these letters, and know this song which helped me and many people all over the world.


