

Tlanslated Songs ~ただ声一つ|ロクデナシ~

 おひさ~。 今日は諸事情で、英語で記事書くね。 英語の勉強にでもどうぞ(((((



Today, I'll translate one of beautiful Japanese song, "Tada koe hitotu" sang by Rokudenashi to English.

But there is some differences with expression behind Japanese and English, so please read my translation for just reference.

Then, I begen translating now.




I'm just gathering pieces of continueing time

I write in the blank of the notebook, "When is the answer?"


For a thin and small feeling


I give one love, and see you again

Until it flames as warm as blooming in the night

By a breathing, I live, and live

To won't cry next to the kind days Ah


To won't cry



Even tiny words hurted my heart

I can't count all of it though

I'm tired to imitate as forgot it

Night, please hug me



Even today, I smile and smile

I smile to hide my crying self

"What I can't say doesn't have to become said"

If I can feel that way, can I feel more confotably?


I give one love, and see you again

Until it flames as warm as blooming in the night

By a breathing, I live, and live

To won't cry next to the kind days.



I give one love, and see you again Ah

I give one love, and see you again

To smile next to the kind days. Ah



Feelings I spit out are simple, but it's too hard to live

I have many question I almost can't solve

Ah "Look at your front plainly and clearly"

You don't have to do such the thing, so hug me

I give one love, and see you again



Hmm... I know, but it's still hard for me to translation of songs, but even not parfect, it's so fun !

I'll keep translating to improve my English and Japanese skill, and tell more wonderful Japanese song to foreign people.

Thank you for reading my article, and see you again !